versatile | bright | fun | inspiring


Susanne was a great tutor who made the lessons really fun. I enjoyed practicing my German and found my confidence increased week by week. Would highly recommend.

Ellen Armfield, university student July – September 2019

Susanne taught my husband German –he hadn’t studied it since school days. According to him, she made the lessons really enjoyable and taught in an intuitive way that made learning quick and fun. Highly recommended.

Meg Rosoff, August 2019

“Susanne is an excellent German language teacher who structured the weekly sessions on a sound progressive grammar basis but tailored the content to suit my particular personal interests. My confidence in reading, pronunciation and communication in German grew dramatically. The sessions were fun, informative and always beneficial. Very rewardingly, Susanne also really helped to develop my understanding of German contemporary culture, history and art through the content used to develop my comprehension, speaking and grammar skills. I could not recommend Susanne highly enough to any adults seeking to learn German and develop their confidence in communicating in German.”

Martin Benatar, Bungay, Suffolk, student 2014 – 2016

“Before I saw Susanne, I was very nervous about speaking German. Susanne is such a great tutor and her lessons were so interesting that I overcame my concerns. I am very grateful to her for all her encouragement and help.”

George, A-level student in his final year, 2016 – 2017

“Susanne is an excellent tutor. My son was extremely anxious when speaking German. Through Susanne’s enthusiastic and caring approach, she raised both his confidence and proficiency and he has become a confident German speaker. My son thoroughly enjoyed all his lessons with Susanne, and I highly recommend her.’’

Karen, George’s mother

“I had a very little knowledge of the German language when I started my studies with Susanne but her tuition gave me a firm foundation to build upon. She carefully explained its grammatical structure, including the potentially problematic topics such as declination and syntax and encouraged me to speak and write German as a native speaker would.
She has first-hand knowledge of the present day idioms of the language and can advise on colloquial terms and their use. Her having lived in various parts of Germany enables her to illustrate subtle differences in speech from region to region. This personal input has been invaluable and Susanne gave me great encouragement. I found her teaching style to be well ordered and distinct, but she has a sense of humour, which assists in relating the exercises to everyday experiences and brings learning a foreign language to life rather than it becoming a dull academic task.”

Michael Munt, student April 2013 – June 2015.